Focus on the idea. Don't waste time on style and layout.
Don't spend a lot of time and effort creating low-fidelity wireframes.
Express and communicate your ideas quickly.
Stress-free hand-drawn style
A hand-drawn style reduces stress on perfection and allows you
to express ideas quickly. When giving a presentation, the
hand-draw style clearly indicates that it is a prototype rather
than a design.
Rich UI components and states
Offers nearly all UI components used in modern apps such as
desktop, mobile, smartwatch, and web browsers. Some components
have states that users can adjust.
Sketch-style icons
Provides over 1500 sketch-style icons for a consistent look. The
icons have been transformed into a sketch style from the
excellent open-source Lucide icons.
You can create a mirror of a frame. It allows you to create a
master frame and reuse it in multiple places. When you update the
master frame, all the mirrors will be updated.